Modular Data Center Standards
Everything connected, fully integrated systems, plug-and-play server-ready
- Complete, fully-integrated & self-contained
- Scalable, flexible, expandable modules
- Server & transport technology-agnostic
- PUE (Power Usage Efficiency) under 1.2
- Metal structures / welded steel frames
- Structural insulated panel exterior skin
- High R-factors & weather-locking
- Responsive containment options
- Redundant roofing & waterproofing systems
- Space-age interior & exterior finishes
- High floor load capacity
Cable Management
- Right-sized lockable racks w/high-flow ventilated doors
- User-friendly cable management for segregated fiber, copper & power delivery
Power & Grounding
- UPS @ N, N+1, 2N power configurations
- Right-sized IT power circuit distribution
- Integrated emergency generator & fueling
- Surge protection, convenience outlets & user-friendly components
- Master ground bar w/ ground halo w/ required connections
Cooling Systems
- N+1 & 2N cooling options, with right-sized cooling system options
- Optimal air flow & heat rejection / relief dampers / dehumidification
- Specialized supply & return systems for optimal air flow balancing
Controls & Monitoring
- Comprehensive environmental monitoring of exterior & interior temp/humidity, leak detection, power equipment & circuits, cooling equipment & other critical points
- DCIM cellular communicator backup to TCP/IP connectivity
- PLC via MODBUS/TCP or other communications protocol
- Temp & humidity inputs for optimal temperature control
- Monitoring & remote controllability of fire alarm, fire suppression, security, access control & other systems
Fire Detection & Suppression
- Smoke detection for NOC notification and interlock w/suppression release circuit
- Aerosol fire suppression system at all interior areas
- Cross-zone heat detection for automatic suppression release
- VESDA option
- Motion activated interior LED light strips for high illumination
- Photocell activated exterior LED lighting
- Exit, emergency & task lighting
Security & Access Control
- Mantrap entries
- Key-pad, card access & screening at all doors
- >1MP digital video / IR cameras surveillance of module interior & exterior areas
- NVR for on-site video storage
- Locking rack doors
Available Options & Upgrades
- Custom storage, staging, office and support modules (contiguous or detached)
- Custom DC power systems
- Alternate cooling systems (including evaporative options)
- Secondary emergency generator & fueling systems
- Tap-box configurations for roll-up generator
- Extended UPS battery load carry-time
- Power monitoring at rack level
- Alternate rack sizes, including 30″ wide racks
- Custom exterior & interior finishes & signage
- Architectural fencing for exterior equipment & entrances
- Perimeter screening for roof equipment
- VESDA early warning smoke detection system
- Alternate fire suppression systems
- Biometric access controls
- Redundant temperature control wiring & logic
- Utility & private metering requirements
- Utility transformer & connections
- VoIP phone & intercom
- SCADA system to trend historical data
- Humidification
- HEMP-EMI-GMS mitigation
- Power system upgrades
- Lightning protection & prevention systems
- Extended warranties
- Turnkey IT migration, integration & consolidation services
- Turnkey site development, improvements & provisioning